

Blue Grass/Black
Thule - Chariot Lite
Thule - Urban Glide Bassinet

The ever-expanding Thule product range is quickly becoming a top choice among parents looking for long-lasting quality in Canada. Thule strollers, Thule chariots, Thule bike seats and Thule baby carriers are all swiftly growing in popularity – and you can find them all right here online at Little Canadian.


Thule Strollers

Thule offers a wide range of both single and double strollers. The most sought-after models include the Thule Urban Glide 2 Stroller and the Thule Chariot Cheetah. The Thule Urban Glide 2 Stroller features a swivel front wheel that locks into place for jogging, and 16” rear wheels. It also boasts one-handed, compact fold for easy storage and transportation and an integrated twist hand brake that provides speed control on hilly terrain.

The Thule Chariot Cheetah is the ideal selection for an athletic family. It can be used as a jogging stroller, and can even be attached to a bike (kit included), or for skiing (kit sold separately). It’s no wonder why fitness-oriented parents can’t get enough of this brand and its products!


Thule Bike Seats for Toddlers

Thule bike seats are excellent for parents who want to take their tots along for a scenic bike ride. The Thule Yepp Maxi Rear Bike Seat is particularly popular. It’s a lightweight and safe, rear-rack-mounted child bike seat. It has a contemporary design, while providing premium comfort for your child.


Thule Baby Carriers

Keep your little one close and your hands free with Thule baby carriers. Thule baby carriers provide great leg support for growing and developing hips and boast stylish designs that will look good on moms and dads. The Thule Sapling Baby Carrier Backpack is perfect for taking your little one with you on a hike or a long walk.

Whether you’re buying Thule chariots, Thule strollers, Thule bike seats or Thule baby carriers, you can rest assured that you’ll be spending your money wisely!

Need help selecting from the Thule product range? Contact the Little Canadian team for assistance: 416-619-4541 or